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How to Balance Hormones Naturally | 7 Best, Proven Ways

It is vital to learn how to balance hormones naturally but just as importantly, in an effective way.  You can use all of the natural remedies available, but it is important to get the right remedies for your body to get your hormones functioning properly.  You will be given the best ways to balance hormones for your particular needs.

how to naturally balance hormones

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Hormones are a huge problem for many females.  A wide range of problems occur from this. Fixing the problem can be a bit of a challenge.

The symptoms of a hormonal imbalance interfere with every day life.  It is important to know why your hormones are out of balance and the best ways to address your hormone needs.  

Hormones difficulties are something I can relate to well.  Working with the best natural solutions has helped me greatly.  I do feel better emotionally, mentally, and physically when I keep on track.  You ARE able to help yourself using natural methods.  

However, you Must keep in mind that the following information is to help balance hormones.  If you have a disease or disorder, seek your doctor's advice on ways to maintain proper hormonal functioning.  This post is to guide and balance the body as a preventative measure.

It will take some work to figure out what is triggering the imbalance.  To make it easier on you, I have provided a great informational list below.  This list includes hormonal imbalance symptoms, reasons for the imbalance, and most importantly, natural ways to balance your hormones.

This post shows you the Best, proven ways on how to balance hormones naturally.  

What are Hormones

Hormones are chemicals that tell different parts of your body the way each should perform.  They dictate to certain specific cells how well the body functions and feels.  Thirdly, hormones are what bring the body into homeostasis (stabilizing of the body).

Having too much or too little of a specific hormone will cause problems.  Some of the problems are more significant than others.  Other concerns will be triggered as the body compensates for the mis-signaling of the hormone.

Therefore, keeping them properly balanced is important.  Different functions of the body that are affected by hormonal imbalance include blood sugar levels, sex levels and reproduction, mood, growth, sleep, the nervous system-click here to view more.

Hormonal imbalance symptoms

The symptoms of a hormonal imbalance is a long list of implications.  These are some of the general overall symptoms.  There are over 50 hormones that signal the body to do different functions.  Therefore, the problems that can arise due to improper hormonal balance are great and broad.  This is a guide to inform you of common symptoms.

  • Acne- this is chronic acne.  It occurs in both teens and adults.  Some acne is due to hormone adjustment seen during puberty and this is normal.  It becomes a problem when it is cystic and chronic.
  • Hair and Skin Problems -This includes hair loss and thinning, dryness of hair and skin, acne or rashes, skin tags, aging- As someone who has hormone problems, I know from experience how easily this is triggered by hormonal imbalance.  Stress is a factor that highly impacts hair and skin quality.
  • Irregular menstrual symptoms and early onset of menstrual cycle-  Too much estrogen exposure is linked to an early menstrual cycle.
  • Mood and Emotional Disturbances- Neurotransmitter signaling is affected by hormone imbalances.  Therefore, depression and anxiety are also factors associated with hormonal imbalances.
  • Digestive Problems- constipation, bloating, weight gain, and weight around the midline area (buddha belly) are all linked to hormones affecting digestion.
  • Abnormal Metabolic Functioning- Fatigue, rapid or slowed heart rate, problems with temperature regulation (too cold, too hot, affected  or greatly by bothered both the cold and heat).
  • Thyroid Problems and Autoimmune Disorders- Some of these include Hashimoto's Disease, Grave's Disease, and Addison's Disease.
  • Sleep Difficulties- Sleep disturbances occur when hormones are not properly regulated.  High quality, consistent sleep is necessary and impacts many areas of health.

Disclaimer:  No content on this site should ever be used as a substitute for direct medical advice from your doctor, a qualified clinician or other qualified health care professional.

How to balance hormones naturally

#1  Diet & Foods

Eat Organically

  • This study states how chemicals and pesticides disrupt the endocrine system (the system made up by hormones).  Pesticides are found in foods that we eat, especially foods that are not labeled organic. It is also important to eat certified organic foods that have a higher percentage of organic ingredients and less exposure to pesticides.

Include Foods that help balance hormones.

  • Certain foods are highly beneficial in balancing hormones.  These foods differ depending on the type of hormones you need help with.  
  • Some of the helpful hormone balancing foods include sweet potatoes, oils such as coconut and olive oil, broccoli flax seeds, and berries.  See a knowledgeable doctor to see which hormones you need help with.

Foods need to be free of hormones

  • Make sure the meats you eat are free of added hormones.  These will interfere with your natural hormone levels as well.

Reduce Sugar Intake

  • Your microbiome is effected by your sugar intake.  It is important to keep your gut healthy to balance hormones naturally.  Decrease your sugar amount, which means eat little sugar, and this will help keep your gut working properly.  Remember, starches can turn into sugar.  Therefore, eat appropriate amounts throughout the day.

#2  Get A Good Night's sleep

hormone balance
  • Certain hormonal regulation is dependent on the quality and amount of sleep one gets.  Glucose and cortisol levels can both be disrupted by not getting enough sleep.  Melatonin production increases with better sleep and better sleep happens with proper melatonin production.  
  • Light levels at night effect sleep quality also.  It is important to wear appropriate glasses, decrease screen brightness and decrease screen time at night.  
  • Also, the body carries out repair and maintenance during sleep.  Sleep gives the body a chance to work on the things it needs to.  Interfering with this process leads to health problems, decreased concentration and alertness through the day, irritability, and hormone difficulties.
  • Growth hormones are active during sleep time.  This is important especially for growing kids and teens.
  • Finally, the disruption of sleep negatively affects cortisol levels, the metabolizing of glucose, and the stabilizing of lipids (fatty acids).

#3  Manage Stress

  • Cortisol is a hormone that helps the body in time of stress. It can be a very helpful hormone and necessary for the body's defense system.  This hormone not only helps regulate the immune response system of the body but also the body's metabolism.
  • However, cortisol can become overactive when the body is under chronic stress.
  • This will create a hormonal imbalance within the body and negatively impact it.
  • Some negative side effects from high cortisol levels are digestive problems, sleep difficulties, mood fluctuations, memory issues, high blood pressure, and the gaining of weight.

Ways to Manage Stress

  • Yoga or Tai Chai
  • Time without technology or devices
  • Breath work
  • Simple 5-10 minute silence breaks throughout the day
  • Listen to jokes, something funny
  • Coloring, drawing
  • Petting an animal
  • Time in nature
  • Walking barefoot on grass
  • The list of simple things that can be done is endless.  Find what works best for you and schedule it in if you have to.  Too long or time-consuming can be stressful too-it can be short bursts-

#4  Do appropriate exercises

how to balance hormones naturally
  • Exercise also plays a role in the way hormones function.  
  • The following are some of the hormones that are impacted by exercise according to studies: testosterone, prolactin (which helps with lactation), cortisol, thyroid stimulating hormone (TSH), growth hormone, luteinizing hormone (which aids the menstrual cycle and testosterone production), and the follicle stimulating hormone (FSH) which (helps with puberty and development), norepinephrine and epinephrine, insulin, glucagon, dopamine, and serotonin.
  • The release of hormones is dependent on the types of exercises performed.  Hormones function differently in conjunction to the exercise that the person chooses to do.  This needs to be considered when you are doing an exercise routine. 
  • For instance, when the hormones serotonin and dopamine are released during exercise, reduced stress, better mood, digestion and sleep can occur.
  • However, studies are mixed on the exact way hormones impact the body during exercise.  Each person is unique in body type, weight, health problems, and so on.  This effects the way hormones will be utilized during a workout.
  • Therefore, you need to listen to your body and exercise accordingly.  Another words, if you are doing high-impact aerobics for forty minutes a day and feel completely drained afterwards, it does not mean that your body is just tired from a good workout.
  • I used to do high-intensity workouts and think I was doing wonderful things for my body.  However, my body responded better when I did weight training exercises without the high-impact aerobics.  This is because my liver was not working properly.  Weight lifting helps my liver and is more productive for my body.
  • There are many exercise routine options available.  Finding the right one should be considered. Consult a specialist in this field to find out which to consider or be conscientious during exercise and narrow down what works best for you.

#5  Liver Needs to be functioning well

  • You will see me talk about the liver a lot in my articles.  It is so important for a healthy functioning body.  
  • The liver is responsible for breaking down certain hormones in the body.  if the impairment of the liver interferes with these hormones being broken down, then there is excess of those specific hormones in the body.
  • Also, the less toxins that you have in your body to interfere with hormone processes, the better.  Since the liver plays a main roll in toxin removal, making sure your liver is in good health is important.

Ways To help the liver

#6  testing

  • There are tests to take that show you your hormonal imbalances.
  • This is a good place to start, or good thing to ask you doctor about, in order for you to know the best way on how to balance your hormones naturally.
  • The Everlywell hormone test can be purchased to check hormone levels at home.

#7  Get Rid of Excess Harmful toxins and Chemicals

hormone imbalance test
  • You need to ditch your household supplies, makeups, perfumes, deodorizers, etc.
  • These things cause harm and disrupt hormone levels.  We get enough doses of chemicals and unneeded toxins everyday in the casual ways we go about our daily life.  Our body will only handle so much of a toxic load, especially if your body has any difficulty processing these toxins out of the body.
  • Also, clean often and with "better for you" ingredients!  This is great for freshening carpets and contains safe ingredients.
  • Do not hang a toxic car deodorizer in the car!  These contain many harmful chemicals and you get enough toxins from cars as it is.  There are other natural alternatives like these.

#8  Fix Digestion & Get to the Cause

  • Again, the microbiome needs to be fixed in order for your hormones to become balanced and stay balanced.  Your body continually having to compensate for other body parts not working correctly is harmful.  
  • Your hormones work together in signaling certain receptors to work the way should.  When one is out of whack, a host of problems can arise.
  • Also, probiotics are helpful in creating a healthy gut.  Here is a probiotic that is helpful for woman.         This is a probiotic for those sensitive to histamines.
  • When digestion is off, there is usually at at least one underlying reason.  Sometimes one reason leads to more causes.  It is a vicious cycle.  Taking the above steps to balance hormones naturally will help greatly.  
  • Finally, prevention is always the best option.  Informing yourself will help you to be most successful with this.

This post shows you the Best, proven ways on how to balance hormones naturally.  


  1. https://www.hopkinsmedicine.org/health/conditions-and-diseases/hormones-and-the-endocrine-system
  2. https://my.clevelandclinic.org/health/diseases/22673-hormonal-imbalance
  3. Buck Louis, G. M., Gray, L. E., Jr, Marcus, M., Ojeda, S. R., Pescovitz, O. H., Witchel, S. F., Sippell, W., Abbott, D. H., Soto, A., Tyl, R. W., Bourguignon, J. P., Skakkebaek, N. E., Swan, S. H., Golub, M. S., Wabitsch, M., Toppari, J., & Euling, S. Y. (2008). Environmental factors and puberty timing: expert panel research needs. Pediatrics121 Suppl 3, S192–S207. https://doi.org/10.1542/peds.1813E
  4. Delarue, J., Matzinger, O., Binnert, C., Schneiter, P., Chioléro, R., & Tappy, L. (2003). Fish oil prevents the adrenal activation elicited by mental stress in healthy men. Diabetes & metabolism29(3), 289–295. https://doi.org/10.1016/s1262-3636(07)70039-3
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  6. Kim, T. W., Jeong, J. H., & Hong, S. C. (2015). The impact of sleep and circadian disturbance on hormones and metabolism. International journal of endocrinology2015, 591729. https://doi.org/10.1155/2015/591729
  7. https://www.mayoclinic.org/healthy-lifestyle/stress-management/in-depth/stress/art-20046037
  8. https://www.liverdoctor.com/liver-affect-your-hormones-and-your-weight/

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