Hi, I’m Amy.

I am a mom of 3 wonderful teens, a wife of a loving husband whom puts up with my type-A extremes, and a person passionate about creating a healthier way of living for my family

We’ve had our share of health challenges from Lyme Disease, PANS/PANDAS, biotoxin illness, to chemical and sensory sensitivities, Epstein Barr, rashes, liver problems, learning difficulties, vision issues and so on……..

All of These Heath Issues Brings Us to Helping You!

I created this site to help you be your best self by creating a healthier & natural way of living.

Some Things I Cover:
  • Health and Wellness information
  • Natural ways to heal yourself
  • The best natural products and essentials to use
  • DIYs on beauty and home products
  • Recipes concerning special problems (such as histamine intolerance)
  • Information on learning difficulties (Challenges, Strategies, Solutions & Recommendations)
  • Ways to create a safe, healthier home and surroundings
  • Ways to protect you and yourself from harmful toxins
  • And Of Course, So Much More!

Tidbits About Me!

  • I’m a sucker for animals
  • Car rides, walking my dog (both with my husband) & going to a movie entertain and relax me-pretty simple!
  • I have been with my husband since high school.
  • I am a homeschool mom and love it, (but it can be trying)!
  • –Can get a little obsessive about health topics (my family is pretty tolerant!)
  • I would like a second house on the Outerbanks.
  • Fall is my favorite Season!

My story and experiences hopefully will offer ways to help Get and keep your body and surroundings at their best.

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