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Easy Carrot Juicing Recipe (Naturally Energizing)

Looking for a way to increase energy, aid you weight loss journey, or add in a healthy dose of vegetables with many health benefits? Then this carrot juicing recipe may be what you are looking for. This vegetable juice adds in specific foods that help the immune system and contribute to a boost in energy and focus.

carrot juicing recipe

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Jump To Juice Recipe

There is something satistfying about creating your own juice with fresh ingredients. It is even more rewarding if they are your home grown ingredients. This fresh carrot juice recipe will delight your tastebuds. 

You can drink this any time of the day, but drinking it first thing in the morning will give you a nice start to the day. Don't be afraid to play around with it to suit your taste.

homemade Carrot Juice Recipe Ingredients


The first ingredient in the carrot juice, of course, is carrots. They need to be rinsed and peeled prior to using. The outer peel of the carrot is bitter in comparison to the inner part of the carrot.

Carrots offer many benefits to the body & these benefits include: 

  • Aiding vision and eye health 
  • Balancing blood sugar levels,
  • Helping the body maintain a healthy weight
  • Increasing immunity levels
  • Aiding brain functioning

Additionally, they offer sweetness, which is nice for the palate. Therefore, they are a good vegetable to add to juices in general when looking for added sweetness without the use of fruit.

**Make sure to use whole carrots and chop them up before juicing if the juicer does not accommodate whole carrots. Do not use the baby carrots because they are not as nutritious.

Grapefruit Juice

The grapefruit adds a little tart sweetness to the juice and offers cell health benefits. It is a great way to add vitamin C to the diet to strengthen the immune system and fight off viruses. This fruit helps give the body an energizing boost.

Also, grapefruit juice benefits kidney health and cardiovascular health as well as aids inflammatory conditions with its anti-inflammatory properties.

(If you do not have grapefruit on hand, orange juice can be subbed in place of grapefruit juice. You may peel the orange or leave the peel on. The peel and rind will add more of a bitter note compared to a peeled orange.)

Granny Smith Apple

A Granny Smith apple adds a delicious tart sweetness to the juice, but that is not all. Green apples contain quercetin. This helps with inflammatory problems in the body.

Less inflammation is great because it will not bog the body down with energy-draining side effects such as brain fog, exhaustion, bloating, and so on. 

Apples also help you get more juice out of your vegetables as long as you run them through towards the end. Vegetables tend to stick in the gears.

As the apple runs through the juicer, it squeezes additional juice from the previous vegetables. I find this super-handy because juicing can get expensive.

Good Add-Ins:

Flat Leaf Kale

The green juice from flat-leaf kale adds a great addition of vitamins and minerals to the drink. These nutrients include vitamins A, K, C, and B6.  These items are great for energy levels and may help with mood.

It is also high in manganese which aids blood sugar levels for energy and brain function. The color of the juice may not be quite as pretty and vibrant, but the nutritional benefits may be worth it.


Another great vegetable to add to this fresh juice is watercress. This vegetable is great for the immune system and offers plenty of nutrients to the body. It provides additional energy and is good for the skin, bones, thyroid, and offers weight management benefits too.


best carrot juice recipe

(Picture of a carrot juice with beetroot added)

Another useful vegetable to add into this healthy juice is beetroot. Nitric Oxide is increased by consuming beetroot juice. The compound nitric oxide increases mitochondria functioning which improves energy levels and blood flow.

Additionally, beet juice contains betalains which are known for known for fighting oxidative stress. Therefore, adding beetroot can enhance muscle performance, increase energy levels, and help with hypertension.


Adding lemon juice offers the body a refreshing boost to help the body focus and concentrate. Studies also indicate that lemons can be beneficial in weight loss and weight control and help the immune system.

Lastly, this fruit improves cell functioning by defending against free radicals in the body which harm cells.

fresh Ginger

Ginger adds a nice kick and pairs well with the juice ingredients. Also, this spice is a good digestive aid. It is often used to ease nausea and bloating and offers antioxidants to the body.

Adding a little spicy ginger can go a long way so add a small amount at a time. Also, add it before the grapefruit or apple because this will help the juicer create more ginger juice.


Lastly, celery juice offers many beneficial vitamin and minerals as well. This vegetable is nice because it helps clean the other vegetables out of the juicer. It also gives you a lot of juice. This is nice if you are looking for a less expensive way to get liquids with nutritional content. 

do you peel carrots before juicing?

Absolutely yes, you need to peel carrots before juicing them. The outside of the carrots is bitter. Stripping the outside layer off leaves you with a sweeter and cleaner carrot. This will make a big difference in the way your juice tastes, for the better. It removes dirt from the outside of the carrot as well.

Best carrots to use:

Fresh carrots with the green tops still on bring out the sweetness of the carrots and makes a sweeter homemade juice

Plus, these carrots have a higher nutrient content providing you with more carrot juice benefits. However, using the bagged carrots are still a good option, and the one I most often have on hand.

Tips for Getting the most juice

  • Adding fruits and vegetables to the juicer in the above order is recommended. This will increase the amount of juice produced. The fruits produce more liquid, therefore, they squeeze the dryer vegetables through the base better.
  • Another thing that will help tremendously and yield a larger quantity of juice is using a quality juicer. Juicers are expensive, but so are fruits and vegetables. You will need to decide what the investment is worth to you based on certain factors such as: 
    • your budget
    • how often you juice
    • juice yield vs. pricepoint
  • Use as much of the fruit and vegetables as possible. For instance, juice the rind when possible, and juice the core of fruits such as apples.
  • Be patient and push food through the juicer slowly. Forcing the fruits and vegetables too quickly will be less productive because it will not adequately squeeze the juice out.
  • Clean your juicer. The better you care for your juicer equipment, the better it will squeeze the vegetables and fruits through and provide you with a nice juice. I lack in this department, but luckily I have a husband that will spend more time than I ever would cleaning each part meticulously. 

Which Cold Press juicer to use

The line of Omega Juicers are a great brand if you are looking for a more affordable price point. They are a slow juicer that vary in price.

Also, they are a quiet juicer that do a nice job juicing. Some of their juicers will require you to chop the vegetables and fruits so they can fit in the juicer.

I have an Omega and have had to replace one of the parts twice now. It is an inexpensive part that is readily accessible. I buy an extra one to have on hand because it is inconvenience when it breaks.

Their juicers come with a piece of equipment to push the food through the juicer and a little strainer which is convenient for catching juice pulp.

This is another affordable line of juicers that make a delicious juice. The nice thing about this juicer is that you can feed fruit and vegetables though the machine without having to chop them.

I have found that the Omega produces a slightly higher yield of juice than the Breville though. However, if you want to save time from chopping fruit and vegetables, this may be for you.

This is an expensive option but one that is convenient and impressive. If you want to save time, load all your veggies and fruits at once and juice away, then this is a great choice.

This machine produces a high-quality juice. It comes with a nice variety of attachments allowing you to make juices, sorbets, and more. This option would best suit avid juicers.

Fresh Carrot Juice Recipe

carrot juicing recipe

Easy Carrot Juice recipe

A healthy, tart carrot juice that is energizing and a great weight loss aid.


  • 3 Large Carrots
  • 1 Large Grapefruit
  • 1 Large Granny Smith Apple


  1. Peel the carrots and chunk them into pieces to fit into the juicer. Otherwise, leave them whole if they can go into the juicer whole.
  2. Peel the rind off of the grapefruit. Also, chunk into pieces if you need to fit them into the juicer.
  3. Cut the apple into chunks accordingly as well. Leave the skin on.
  4. Alternate pushing the carrots, grapefruit, and apple through the juicer. This is the case only if you have a juicer where you must insert the vegetables and fruit into the juicer one at a time.
  5. Put a small strainer over a drinking glass. Pour the freshly made juice into the glass carefully. Make sure the strainer catches any leftover pulp.
  6. Enjoy your energizing carrot juice!
Nutrition Information:
Yield: 1 Serving Size: 1
Amount Per Serving: Calories: 271Total Fat: 1gSaturated Fat: 0gTrans Fat: 0gUnsaturated Fat: 0gCholesterol: 0mgSodium: 82mgCarbohydrates: 66gFiber: 14gSugar: 41gProtein: 4g

The nutritional information calculated is to be used as a general guide only. We are not liable for any of the generated nutritional information.

This post shared with you a delicious and easy carrot juicing recipe that is naturally energizing, nutritious, and offers weight loss benefits.


  1. Domínguez, R., Cuenca, E., Maté-Muñoz, J. L., García-Fernández, P., Serra-Paya, N., Estevan, M. C., Herreros, P. V., & Garnacho-Castaño, M. V. (2017). Effects of Beetroot Juice Supplementation on Cardiorespiratory Endurance in Athletes. A Systematic Review. Nutrients9(1), 43. https://doi.org/10.3390/nu9010043
  2. Chen, L., Zhu, Y., Hu, Z., Wu, S., & Jin, C. (2021). Beetroot as a functional food with huge health benefits: Antioxidant, antitumor, physical function, and chronic metabolomics activity. Food science & nutrition9(11), 6406–6420. https://doi.org/10.1002/fsn3.2577

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