Can Mold Cause Migraines (or Headaches)?
A migraine is unbearable to live with. It is detrimental to how a person is able to function. Headaches make it difficult to concentrate, think, and carry on in general. However, intensify that with a migraine, and life can become unbearable quite fast. Can mold cause migraines for these individuals? The answers and solutions are explained step-by-step below.

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Mold spores in the home cause lots of problems for many immune systems. They begin small but multiply quickly. The impact left behind on your health can be life-altering. I know this because it has happened to us.
There are many symptoms to watch for and mold mimics many other symptoms and causes. Mold growth within the home, work place, or anywhere you spend a decent amount of time accelerates already present symptoms.
Migraines and chronic headaches are one of the ways the body asks for help. Do not ignore the signs the body gives off and dig deeper to find the answers. Can toxic mold exposure be the reason for your migraines or headaches?
Find out - Can mold cause migraines and headaches?, how do you know if mold is a problem for you?, what to do if you have been exposed, how to get rid of it, how to find a doctor, temporary migraine instant relief and more!
What Does a Migraine headache feel like?
According to the Journal of Neuroscience, an increase in throbbing develops in the temporal area with increased pressure within the bones of the head. Other symptoms often occur as well. These symptoms include light and noise sensitivity, altered smell, nausea and even vomiting may occur. Neurons within the body do not function correctly causing an onset of a migraine.
Can toxic mold Cause migraines and Headaches?
The correlation between mold and migraines is often an indirect cause, not direct. These severe headaches may be the result of an allergic reaction to mold. This is because toxic mold sends off mycotoxins which are inhaled. They also can be absorbed or ingested.
Either way these mycotoxins negatively affect the body's immune system and irritate the respiratory system including the nasal passages. Once these mycotoxins enter the body, a percentage of the population are not able to adequately dispose of them. The irritation in the nasal and sinus passages can lead to migraines.
As a result, a host of health problems occur and are triggered or worsened due to mycotoxins. Someone with a pre-existing medical condition will feel worsened effects as a result of mold allergies.
Therefore, migraines headaches develop as well as many other symptoms. A couple other symptoms include chronic fatigue syndrome and asthma attacks. This is a result of a person's body responding and fighting against the foreign mold invaders.
If a person has problems with allergies and mold, the body will respond in turn and a migraine can develop from, especially if the mold is a chronic problem in the living environment. Be aware that if migraines worsen or occur more often when you are within a certain environment, then searching to see if mold is a problem is a good idea.
What Kind of mold causes migraines?
Black mold (Stachybotrys Chartarum) and Aspergillus species are two common types of mold that give off mycotoxins. They are frequently found to be problematic within homes. Since these molds give off mycotoxins, and are dangerous to take in as stated above, they are leading contributors to respiratory issues and can lead to a migraine.
Migraines and headaches are a way of the body alarming us that there is a problem. There are many reasons they can occur. However, our focus is on whether mold can be a problem that you need to be aware of.
You need to take it seriously and know if mold is a contributor to your migraines. It is important to get to the root cause of your headaches. Then you can begin to deal with the problem appropriately.
What are signs of mold in your house?
- Humid conditions
- Poor drainage,
- Damp environment
- Must Smell
- Peeling, Cracking paint
- Health problems among family members
If you live in high humid conditions, have poor drainage around your house, live in a highly damp or wet environment, or have to run an air conditioner often, you may be susceptible to mold growth within your home.
One for sure tell tale sign that mold is growing is when you visually see it on the wall, floor, or ceiling. However, there are other indicators as well. A musty smell is one of these indicators. When a musty odor is present, then most likely mold is not far away.
Another sign is cracking and peeling paint. This does not necessarily mean that mold is present, however, it is a sign that the environment may be conducive to mold growth. Peeling paint can be due to moisture problems or damp environments.
Finally, when similar health problems arise among all people living in the home including pets, then a mold problem should be considered. The problem may be visible but sometimes it is hidden. The mold test given below is a great way to assess if there is a mold problem or not.
how do you know if your house is toxic?
In order to know if you have toxic mold growing in your home, testing needs to be done. However, the testing needs to be done by either a reputable mold professional or with a reputable home self-test kit.
Before hiring a professional, you can use the ERMI test which you can purchase here. The test will tell you which kind of molds are present in your home and the amount of mold present. This will be indicated according to a number chart that you can view to see how toxic of a level is present in your home or work environment.
What kills mold?
I do not recommend doing a self-clean up process for removing mold. More mold spores are released into the air when mold is disturbed or improperly managed. There are solutions that lessen mold spores temporarily from my experience, however, they are not permanent solutions. One of these treatments is through the company Micro Balance.
They sell sprays and a fogger that have been scientifically shown to temporarily reduce mold spores within the air. I have personally used these products and can verify that the musty smell was eliminated for several days.
What are signs of mold sickness?
There are symptoms that present themselves when one suffers from toxic mold syndrome, or mold sickness. A few or many of the following symptoms may occur. These are the common mold sickness symptoms:
- respiratory problems
- runny nose- this may consist of a mild runny nose that is consistent
- nasal congestion
- watery eyes and/or itchy eyes
- sinus headache, chronic headaches, or migraines
- brain fog
- word retrieval problems
- skin rashes, skin irritation, eczema
- dizziness, vertigo
- visual problems
- red eyes
- learning problems
- memory, focus, and concentration problems
- blurred vision
- development of chemical sensitivities
- Chronic Fatigue Syndrome
- shortness of breath
What are the long-term effects of mold exposure?
Exposure to mold over time has devastating effects and leads to serious health problems. The mycotoxins given off by mold are toxic substances. They cause chronic inflammatory response syndrome within the body. Frequent headaches, shortness of breath, and migraine headaches are all allergic reactions to mold. These mycotoxins make a compromised immune system more problematic. Also, conditions such as hypothyroidism have been found to be more often present in mold patients. Other long-term problems include neurologic symptoms which are discussed below. It is important to treat the body as soon as symptoms arise or a mold problem has been detected.
Can mold exposure cause neurological symptoms and other symptoms?
Neurological symptoms have been linked with extended mold exposure or mold within the body. These tiny spores enter the body, and approximately 25-28% of the population are not able to appropriately dispose of these mold toxins.
Therefore, the toxins attach themselves to fat cells in the body and manifest into neurological problems. Memory loss and word retrieval difficulties are signs to watch for.
This happened to my father. Long-term mold exposure that was hidden in my parent's house and created conditions which led to primary progressive aphasia, dementia, and ultimately Alzheimer's.
Is mold toxicity reversible and will migraines stop?
Mold toxicity is reversible as long as you receive the appropriate treatment. However, the extent of reversibility is dependent on factors such as how long the problem has been present.
You also need to stay away from mold infested environments so there will not be a reoccurrence. Also, you need to visit a physician that is experienced in mold remediation within the body. If the migraines are related to mold and mycotoxin exposure, then the migraines headaches should lessen or stop once treated.
Can a doctor test for mold exposure and how?
Yes, a doctor can test for mold exposure. However, it is important that the doctor is knowledgeable in how to work with mold. These are doctors educated in the Shoemaker Protocol. He or she will put a treatment plan into effect after testing is done. Some tests include blood testing and urine testing. We personally use Dr. Dashore, and she is amazing.
What to do to help alleviate migraines & headaches now?
Migraines may be lessened temporarily through natural methods and treatments. These practices, however, will not permanently solve issues involving mold migraines. The permanent solution involves treating household mold appropriately and professionally. Also, receiving treatment and implementing an appropriate mold protocol for you body is necessary.
In the meantime, these are some natural solutions that can be used to provide immediate discomfort relief:
- Arnica Gel- My friend uses this gel for her chronic migraines. Sometimes it is more effective than other times. Many times it provides relief temporarily.
- Acupressure massage or regular massage- This helps to release toxins and clear out sinus and nasal passages which release head pain. This is another treatment that my friend receives often.
- Darken room- light sensitivity is common when people have migraines. Therefore, darkening the room will relieve strain caused by the light.
- Remove yourself from the source- Finding an alternative place to stay or go to is ideal if mold is the trigger of the health issues.
- There are conventional medicines, however, I know there are many side effects to using these. If mold is the culprit, then this medication will not be as effective and you will be left with additional side effects. Again, my friend has gone this route as well, and there are always side effects she has been left to deal with.
Actions to take to get rid of mold in you home
Find a professional to deal with the mold. Find a knowledgeable professional. I do not recommend trying to clean mold yourself unless it is mildew from minor bathroom buildup.
Mold spores are easily released into the air making it easier for sensitive individuals to breathe in the mold. Also, mold spores replicate quickly making it more difficult to get rid of the mold. Hiring a professional is not always attainable right away.
Below are some things to do to keep mold spores down. This is an at-home mold test you can do before spending out more money.
How to control Mold in Your home ?
Benefect Botanical Decon 30
This is a cleaner that works really well at keeping mold spores down. Also, it is safe to use and is made from plant extracts.
Reduce Humidity
The more humidity in the home, the quicker mold spores will multiply. Use this gauge to monitor humidity levels. If you need to reduce levels, buy plants that help absorb water or use a dehumidifier (linked below).
A dehumidifier is a great preventative measure to take when it comes to reducing mold. It takes moisture out of the air. This makes a for drier environment, less conducive to mold build up. Just make sure to keep it clean so it does not accumulate mold build up.
Air Purifier
An air purifier is another great way to help control mold, and one I refer to often. However, there are many on the market, so buying one that actually helps with mold is important. This one is fantastic for doing the job and worth the investment.
These are all ways to control mold in your home. However, they will not eliminate a mold problem by themselves.
how do I keep my home mold free?
Using all of the items above apply for this section as well. In addition to those products, there are steps you can take to keep a home from developing a mold problem in the first place. These are:
- Keep humidity down by using products above.
- Use area rugs instead of attached carpet.
- Spray the house with Homebiotics to keep bacteria in check.
- Use mold and mildew resistant paint on walls and ceiling.
- Use this plaster instead of sheet rock.
- Make sure the home has great drainage.
- Clean gutters and downspouts often.
- Make sure to check for leaks and fix them as soon as possible.
- Use proper ventilation fans in the bathroom- This is a fantastic one that I use.
- Bring plants in that absorb humidity- Ferns and cacti are great choices.
- Clean and dust often because mold spores attach to dust. Use a Hepa Vacuum.
Can Mold Exposure Cause Migraines? This post Showed you that it can. It also showed you all of the information for you to get started and help your chronic headache problem.
Best Doctors To Treat Mold
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