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Are Certain Exercises For Gut Health Better Than Others?

Most know it is important to both exercise and keep the gut healthy. But what if you could do both at the same time? There is a lot of fitness information and videos depicting all sorts of best exercises to do. However, let's see which ones are best for you and your gut.

exercise for gut health

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Exercise is something I love to do. It brings me so much joy. However, I have had to be aware of what exercises to do and when to stop. I have also worked up gradually to a lengthy, partially intense routine that works well for my body and the results I want to accomplish.

My body lets me know when I have pushed it too far. I diligently try to listen to my body so I can bring about the best health outcomes. Below is an exercise guide for what to do when looking to implement exercises for better gut health.

The Positive Effects Exercise Has On gut health

1.  Immune System building & strengthening

Exercise can impose a positive effect on the immune system as long as you do not stress out the body. A well-paced exercise routine appropriate for one's body can improve the body's defense mechanisms.

However, prolonged periods of intense exercise can produce inflammatory cytokines. However, gradually building up intensity and workout time can be achieved at a consistent pace. One needs to be aware of what exercises their body can handle to produce the best results.

Regular exercise is shown to regulated the immune system and possibly illnesses relate to age. This is primarily for those who engage in regular and appropriate exercise routines that do not overstress their body.

"The gut-associated lymphoid tissue (GALT) houses a majority of our immune cells, and exercise can modulate their gene expression, favoring anti-inflammatory and antioxidant profiles."

2.  Helps with digestive health

  • Exercise helps with gut motility. It keeps food moving through the digestive tract. 
  • It also helps with nutrient absorption: When better food is better digested and broken down, the body can better utilize the vitamins and minerals from the food.
  • Additionally, the gut lining is strengthened through regular physical activity.

These things all aid digestive issues that many people have and that are associated with many different health conditions.

3.  Contributes to a favorable, more balanced Gut microbiome

Research shows that exercise helps balance the gut microbiome. This microbiome consists of organisms such as bacteria, fungi, and even viruses. The harmful bacteria and helpful bacteria must be in check for a balanced gut ecosystem.

4.  Decreases stress & anxiety which helps the gut

Another positive effect of exercise is the reduction of anxiety and stress. Firstly, exercise lowers cortisol and adrenal hormones that trigger stress. Secondly, chemicals are released in the brain that lower stress.

Lower stress levels and anxiety create favorable health conditions. Additionally, stress triggers increased inflammation in the gut, especially when health conditions persist.

Healthy exercise levels as well as appropriate exercises set the body up to better handle stress and anxiety for a healthy gut.

Which exercises are best for the gut?

The exercises that are best for each person may differ. Things that need to be taken into account are health conditions, body type, whether the person is used to physical activity, and so on. Below the exercises are broken into categories and who may respond best to each type of exercise.

Yoga Poses

It is no surprise that there are benefits of yoga on the gut microbiota. Yoga exercises get blood flowing, decrease body stress, strengthen the body with gentle movement, and improve overall health. Also, studies show yoga's positive impact on constipation problems.

Yoga includes many poses. There are some yoga poses more beneficial to gut health specifically. Some of these poses include downward dog, upward dog, and child's pose. View this post for a complete list of the best yoga poses for gut health. 

Click The Related Post:  Best Yoga Poses For Digestion For my yoga poses.


Walking tends to be a popular exercise that many people can incorporate into their day. Studies show different ways walking benefits the gut.

This study indicates that walking at a faster speed resulted in a more diverse gut microbiome. This means there are more types of organisms in the gut to balance out gut health which is better for your health. Low-diversity intestinal bacteria are related to a variety of gut illnesses and issues.

Also, the same study showed that walking on a more level surface or on an incline proved more beneficial to the gut than walking on a decline. 

Another study shows similar benefits of walking at a quick pace. This study done on brisk walking resulted in healthier bacteria in the gastrointestinal tract as well. This indicates that walking at a fast pace is beneficial. Your walking speed can be gradually increased by walking regularly.


Ellipticals increase blood flow and mobility in the digestive tract. Also, these are a great option for people who need low-impact on their lower body.

They can be adjusted for a more intense workout, and some can be set to target specific areas of the body.

Tai Chi

best exercises for gut health

If you suffer from gastrointestinal issues, Tai Chi may be a form of exercise you want to consider. It is a gentle form of martial arts exercise involving slow and controlled moves in a flow-like pattern.

These movements help with constipation and digestion in the gut. It also reduces gut inflammation while increasing healthy gut flora. These effects are due to the stress- reducing movements and the use of systematic breathing.

Tai Chi has been used in Chinese medicine for many years and now has gained popularity among other populations. It is a highly beneficial activity for most people to engage in.

Here is a video that you can rent from a reliable Tai Chi teacher if you are interested in trying it out. You may be able to find it on YouTube as well.


Weightlifting positively impacts the liver. It increases liver enzyme production and helps the liver to cipher out toxins more effectively. These two things alone will help with gut health. 

However, the amount of weight that is lifted must be appropriate for your body. Otherwise, weight lifting can become taxing on the body and create inflammation due to increased cytokine release.

Gradually building up an exercise routine should be the goal for those wanting to increase weight.

Your body will signal if your body is working too hard. Working out regularly will help you know what your body is able to handle and the difference between good stress and bad stress.

Abdominal Exercises

exercise for digestion and gas

Core strengthening exercises may help with gut motility. Few studies showing positive results, however, there are not many. Sit-ups, crunches, and other abdominal exercises are great for muscle control.

Although there are not a lot of studies showing a direct correlation between abdominal exercise and gut improvement, it can be concluded through other research about exercise that including stomach exercises as part of an exercise routine will increase gut immunity and the integrity of the microbiota.

Aerobic Exercise

  • High Intensity, Moderate Intensity, or Low Intensity 

Deciphering between what type of aerobic exercise is best for you is important. While some can handle a high-intesity workout, it can have a negative reaction for some with autoimmune issues. Exercise intensity is best increased gradually. 

Moderate exercise and low-intensity exercise have been shown to help with gut permeability, blood flow, and gut inflammation, and produce a favorable bacterial environment in the gut.

Aerobic exercise can be done at all levels with positive results. However, studies show that high-intensity aerobic workouts are best when they are controlled. Moderating your aerobic exercise is best for anyone with gut problems.


yoga for gut health

Lastly, stretching is an important part of your exercise routine that is also helpful for those with digestive problems. Stretching that includes gentle folds and twists is helpful to speed up digestion. This can lead to less bloating and help with irregular bowel movements.

Stretching can gently move and activate muscles while pushing parts into place at the same time. It allows the body to relax and can increase blood flow to the stomach. 

Some specific types of stretches that may be helpful to gut health are:

  • Supine twist
  • Seated spinal twist
  • Child's pose
  • Standing side stretch
  • Cat Cow Pose and stretch
  • Cobra Stretch/Pose
  • Bridge stretch/Pose

This post went over different types of exercises and their impact on gut health.


  1. https://www.frontiersin.org/journals/physiology/articles/10.3389/fphys.2023.1292673/full
  2. https://adaa.org/understanding-anxiety/related-illnesses/other-related-conditions/stress/physical-activity-reduces-st
  3. https://www.health.harvard.edu/staying-healthy/exercising-to-relax
  4. https://foodguides.com/blogs/from-the-experts/the-importance-of-core-strength-for-digestive-health
  5. Shree Ganesh HR, Subramanya P, Rao M R, Udupa V. Role of yoga therapy in improving digestive health and quality of sleep in an elderly population: A randomized controlled trial. J Bodyw Mov Ther. 2021 Jul;27:692-697. doi: 10.1016/j.jbmt.2021.04.012. Epub 2021 Apr 22. PMID: 34391308.
  6. Morita E, Yokoyama H, Imai D, Takeda R, Ota A, Kawai E, Hisada T, Emoto M, Suzuki Y, Okazaki K. Aerobic Exercise Training with Brisk Walking Increases Intestinal Bacteroides in Healthy Elderly Women. Nutrients. 2019 Apr 17;11(4):868. doi: 10.3390/nu11040868. PMID: 30999699; PMCID: PMC6520866.
  7. https://www.frontiersin.org/journals/nutrition/articles/10.3389/fnut.2021.637010/full

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