The Best Tea For Histamine Intolerance (Top 6 Picks)
Histamine issues can throw you into a whirlwind real fast. However, knowing that there is a histamine problem can also put you on the right track for getting better. Here I will discuss the best tea for histamine intolerance to help you to begin or continue on the right track. The right, soothing tea can bring you loads of health benefits and calm histamine problems.

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A histamine is a chemical released by cells that contribute to allergy symptoms. It is a natural, needed function that becomes problematic when there is too much histamine in accordance to with what the body can handle.
My family knows all of the challenges that come along with a histamine intolerance. I remember my stress level at the limit when I found out the histamines may be a contributor to our health issues.
I was planning for a huge birthday party while at the same time realizing I needed to avoid and replace high-histamine foods in our diet with other more tolerable foods.
This task was overwhelming at first, but seeing positive results made it all worth it. There are plenty of resources to guide you on your journey.
The post below is extremely helpful regarding the right teas to drink on a low-histamine diet or for mast cell activation.
We review the best tea for histamine intolerance and how they help the body.
Disclaimer: No content on this site should ever be used as a substitute for direct medical advice from your doctor, a qualified clinician or other qualified healthcare professional.
What is histamine intolerance?
When there is a higher amount of histamine release or intake in the body than it can handle, a histamine reaction will occur. This can be due to mast cell activation syndrome and chronic inflammation, low enzyme production which cannot keep up with the breakdown of histamine, improper liver function, an abundance of high-histamine foods, or a combination.
What is mast cell activation and what does it have to do with histamines?
Mast cell activation is a natural occurrence in the body to help stabilize body conditions at an optimal level.
Here is a definition of when mast cell activation becomes problematic according to the Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology:
Disordered mast cell activation occurs when mast cells are pathologically overproduced or if their activation is out of proportion to the perceived threat to homeostasis.
When these immune cells are overactive, histamine issues can arise. Not everyone with mast cell activation disorder has histamine intolerance, and not all people with a histamine intolerance have a mast cell disorder, but many do.
Knowing how to properly deal with histamines can be a total game-changer in your health and healing process.
The histamine List I refer to and Why
There are food and beverage lists to use as a guide for what to eat and drink versus what NOT to eat and drink regarding a histamine intolerance. I find the SIGHI list to be the best list for my family to use. This list is based on research and up-to-date.
Also, the SIGHI list is not so constraining. People that may be dealing with a histamine intolerance are usually restricted as it is. It is still important to eat a variety of foods for healthy vitamin and mineral intake.
Your focus should be on healing underlying causes and lessening histamine reactions as much as possible until foods are able to be introduced back in. Be aware, however, that each person's case varies and some people will need to be restricted on a regular basis.
The 6 best teas for histamine intolerance
Holy Basil Tea (Tulsi Tea)
Holy Basil, often called Tulsi, contains anti-histamine properties. They are known as histamine antagonists and do not trigger histamine release. This is one of the low histamine teas that is ideal to drink if you have high histamine levels.
Ayurvedic medicine has used it for years for its antistress properties. This herbal tea has a calming effect on the body and is extremely helpful for people with season allergy symptoms and dealing with hay fever. Release of histamine is blocked by this herbal tea, therefore making Holy Basil a powerful herb for allergy sufferers.
Additionally, people with mast cell activation disorder will experience calming benefits regarding inflammation and stress on the immune system.
Rooibos Tea
Quercetin is a supplement that I would often use when a food was questionable regarding histamines. Rooibos, also known as Red Bush tea, contains bioflavonoids.
Quercetin is a bioflavonoid which has proven to be valuable in treating seasonal allergy symptoms as well as respiratory problems. This is because of its anti-inflammatory and anti-allergic properties. It scores the ultimate low score of 0 on the SIGHI list, making it great to consume on a low-histamine diet.
Ginger Tea
Ginger has so many healthy benefits on the body. Some of these benefits include helping with inflammation and digestion.
Inflammation is a big problem for people dealing with histamine intolerance. Therefore, consuming foods and drinks that lessen inflammation levels should be a goal.
Pouring hot water over fresh ginger is a great way to enjoy ginger's healing effects. Ginger has been shown in some studies to possibly reduce mast cell activation. These medicinal properties of ginger make it a wonderful drink to consume.
Peel a 1/2-1 inch piece of ginger.
Place ginger and 12 ounces of water in a saucepan.
Bring to a low boil for approximately 5-8 minutes. (The longer it boils the more intense the flavor will become.)
Pour into a cup and enjoy with a teaspoon or 2 of organic or local honey.
Verbena Tea
According to the SIGHI list for histamine foods, this is one of the great herbal teas for calming the nervous system and digestive system. This is beneficial since stress on either system triggers inflammation and histamine release. Its anti-inflammatory properties help with immune response and overall health.
Peppermint Tea
Another soothing tea for the body, healthy for the digestive system, and safe for histamine intolerance is peppermint tea. This small study shows the effectiveness peppermint had on suppressing the release of histamines from mast cells in rats.
There is some evidence that peppermint may irritate acid reflux. Therefore, be aware if peppermint has been problematic for you in the past. Additionally, you may want to avoid it altogether if you suffer from acid reflux or GERD.
peppermint tea has a low-histamine content making it suitable for many pursuing a low-histamine diet.
Chamomile Tea
Chamomile tea is a wonderful herbal tea for relaxing and unwinding. It is a tea that is beneficial for people suffering from mast cell activation syndrome in terms of calming inflammation. However, this tea should be avoided if you are allergic to ragweed.
Otherwise, it is a low-histamine herb that is great in a hot cup of tea. Soothing and calming the body is great for reducing stress and keeping histamine levels lower.
Best supplements to help with Histamine Intolerance
How do i heal my histamine intolerance?
Healing any underlying problems and getting to the root cause, may sound redundant, but is what will help you get histamine tolerance more under control. People with mast cell activation syndrome will most likely always have to be mindful of histamine levels. For most people, this begins with gut health.
Using an elimination diet is also helpful. Taking foods out and then slowly reintroducing them one at a time lets you see which foods are triggering symptoms.
Also, eating a low histamine diet will give your body a chance to heal. It will create less histamine and lessen symptoms of histamine intolerance such as rashes, itchy eyes, anxiety, and so on.
Making sure your immune health is at its best is also a key factor for people with histamine intolerance. It is important to not "boost" the immune system too quickly, especially for anyone who does have mast cell activation disorder. This promotes the cells to release inflammation and histamines at a quicker rate in many cases.
Balancing the body is a tricky thing. Through research, careful testing, and working with an experienced holistic practitioner, getting control over histamine problems will become more manageable.
This post reviewed the best tea for histamine intolerance and how these teas help the body.
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