10 Best Supplements For Histamine Intolerance in 2024
Knowing the best supplements for histamine intolerance available is helpful for anyone trying to get their histamine problem under control. The list below is a great place to begin and will prove highly beneficial on your histamine journey.

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Histamine has been a huge hurdle for us. We are not necessarily over the hurdle as in do not need to worry about histamine anymore, but we certainly have more control over the matter.
From strengthening our immune system, implementing a low histamine diet, to taking DAO supplements and alleviating high histamine foods, we have had our share of experience finding what works best.
If you suffer from mast cell activation syndrome where mast cells become overactive or are displaying a lot of histamine intolerance symptoms, then you will find this list of histamine intolerance supplements of great value.
This post is about the best supplements for histamine intolerance to take in order to get your histamine levels under control.
What is histamine intolerance?
A histamine intolerance occurs when the buildup of histamine in the body is greater than the body's enzyme (diamine oxidase) that breaks down the histamine. The body therefore reacts to this excess histamine with symptoms to alert the body. These symptoms can include a wide range of symptoms from a runny nose or stuffed nasal passages to food allergies, skin rashes, and digestive tract problems.
10 Best Supplements for histamine intolerance
#1 Probiotics- (Specialized)
Probiotics are great for building up good bacteria in the body, however, there are certain strains of bacteria that contribute to a histamine reaction. Therefore, it is important to take the right probiotic supplements formulated especially for problems with too much release of histamine or low DAO (enzyme) levels. This is the probiotic that we have used during these times of too much histamine.
#2 Histamine Blocker - (DAO Enzyme Supplements)
This is also a great choice for helping with problematic histamine release or when DAO levels are low. This supplement contains the enzyme Diamine Oxidase from porcine kidney extract. Low levels of DAO is problematic because it is the main enzyme that keeps histamine in check.
It is important to have enough DAO to balance histamine issues. Histamine Block gives you additional enzymes to break down that histamine and help with excess histamine in the body. You take these prior to eating foods that may contribute to your histamine problem.
I recommend Histamine Block, but I do not recommend Histamine Block Plus unless it is okayed by a doctor. It is important that you consume the correct type of vitamin B which is in histamine block plus.
#3 Natural D-Hist- Histamine Blocker
This supplement contains 5 ingredients that help the body with a healthy immune response- Quercetin, Stinging Nettles Extract, Bromelain, N-acetyl cysteine, and Vitamin C. This supplement is helpful for a sensitive immune system combating inflammation, balancing mast cell triggers from autoimmune disease, and decreasing the amount of histamine in the body. Also, N-acetyl cysteine is the amino acid which supports glutathione production, a much needed antioxidant for the body to properly repair and perform many functions.
Stinging Nettles can be a sensitive supplement for some people. I do not give D-Hist to one of my kids because she has reacted to Stinging Nettles in the past. Be mindful of this when choosing this supplement.
#4 Quercetin
Another wonderful supplement among histamine blockers is quercetin. As this science article states, "Quercetin is a naturally occurring polyphenol flavonoid which is rich in antioxidants. It has anti-allergic functions that are known for inhibiting histamine production and pro-inflammatory mediators."
This makes it a valuable tool against histamine problems. quercetin is also beneficial for allergic reactions. I have substituted this product into our routine when we did not have our regular histamine blockers on hand.
#5 Vitamin B6
Additionally, vitamin B6 is useful for histamine problems, however, it is most important that you know which vitamin B supplement is right for you. The right amount of B6 in the body supports immune function and a healthy inflammatory response because it is a natural antihistamine and supports the body's enzymatic function for histamine degradation.
Certain vitamin B6 supplements have ingredients which interact negatively with mold issues or with the methylation process. Some people on the other hand are able to easily take a vitamin 6 supplement. Seek professional help or do thorough research to know which is best for you.
#6 Fish Oil- (Histamine Friendly Option)
Fish oil is a great supplement that helps with inflammation. When you have digestive issues and histamine intolerance, inflammation can become troublesome quickly. However, fish is a trigger for histamine intolerance making it a tricky supplement for some people to tolerate.
The fish oil Omne Diem uses small fish sources for their omega 3 fish oil. In turn, people with a histamine imbalance usually tolerates this fish oil much better. We have taken both this fish oil as well as Nordic Naturals.
#7 Vitamin D
Vitamin D in the form of D3 is a must and a liquid form is even better because it will allow for better absorption. Vitamin D is best gotten from the sun, however, this is dependent on the time of the year for some places. Therefore, supplementing with this brand is a good choice.
Getting your vitamin D levels checked by a knowledgeable professional is highly recommended. I have someone that checks levels according to what is appropriate for the person, not according to the "new normal" based on the average levels.
#8 Vitamin C
Vitamin C is helpful but this is another supplement that has to be approached cautiously with high histamine levels. Although citrus fruits are a great source of vitamin C, they can trigger histamine problems.
Vitamin C supplements are helpful to add into your regimen as well as low-histamine greens such as collard greens and swiss chard. We also add camu camu powder into our shakes and foods because this is an excellent, absorbable source of vitamin C.
#9 Digestive Enzymes
Problems with digestion will trigger histamine problems. Therefore, using digestive enzymes for gut health is a good idea to help the stomach break down a specific food. Then unnecessary inflammation may be better blocked. These are a great enzyme if you especially need help digesting fat. However, there are many useful enzymes to choose from.
#10 Chinese Skullcap
Finally, the herb Chinese Skullcap is very beneficial in supporting histamine intolerance. This study shows how it reduced histamine release from mast cells in rats. Allergic reactions were repressed from the properties of this herb. Therefore, food intolerance and common symptoms of histamine intolerance is helped with the use of Chinese Skullcap.
frequently asked questions about histamine intolerance:
What triggers histamine intolerance?
Low Diamine Oxidase is one trigger of histamine overload. This enzyme breaks histamine down so the body is in balance. If a person does not have enough of this enzyme (DAO), then histamine will not be properly broken down.
HNMT, or Histamine N-methyltransferase, is another enzyme that supports the break down of histamine correctly. If this enzyme is not functioning properly, then excess histamine may accumulate int the body as well causing a negative reaction.
Also, too much bacteria in the body can cause problematic histamine issues. This bacteria occurs when there are gut issues, poor digestion, or an overabundance of antibiotics. The good bacteria and bad bacteria need to be balanced in order to have a healthy gut biome.
Fourthly, consuming an abundance of high-histamine foods can trigger histamine intolerance. Eating a lot of food that are high in histamines can cause inflammation in the body. Also, consuming foods or drinks that block the DAO from doing its job such as alcohol is not helpful. Alcohol is both high in histamine and blocks the DAO enzyme from doing its job.
Additionally, mast cells in people with mast cell activation syndrome release increased histamine. Note, that mast cell activation and histamine intolerance are not the same thing. Histamine happens to be released to get inflammation under control as well as other chemicals. However, MCAS makes it more difficult for people to balance histamines.
Other ways to clear histamine out of the body
- Meditation or Mindful Prayer
- Yoga or Tai Chi for decreasing stress
- Low-Histamine Diet, try eating more fresh food
- Consume less DAO blocking foods and beverages
- Avoid Excessive chemical exposure, unscented soaps, essential oil perfumes, air purifiers
- Get to the root cause of your gut or health issues. The less stressed your body is from improper care, the better your histamine reactions will be.
which foods are high in histamine?
The list below links to the foods that need to be avoided overall. However, there are some categories that you will want to avoid if histamines are a problem. To know for sure, it may be helpful to keep a food journal with dates and reactions according to what you eat.
You will want to avoid:
- Dairy Products
- Alcohol
- Excess Caffeine
- Chocolate
- Citrus Fruits
- Pineapple
- Tomatoes
- Avocado
- Processed meats- sausage, hot dogs, lunch meats
- Fermented Foods
- Dried Fruit
- Jerky
Here is a link to a helpful food guide: Foods High in Histamines to Avoid
what Foods help Decrease histamine?
- Olive Oil
- Broccoli
- Blueberries
- Apples
- Parsley
- Cucumbers
- Red onions
- Arugula
- Cabbage
- Carrots
- Squash
Other Helpful Foods, herbs, and nutrients:
- Magnesium- Magnesium helps the body to absorb other nutrients better. Many people need additional magnesium supplemented into their diet. This mineral helps the body control inflammation better as well as helps support histamine release.
- Ashwagandha- This herb is also helpful in moderating inflammation and the release of histamines from mast cells.
- Siberian Ginseng- Studies have shown Ginseng to be effective in preventing histamine release from mast cells. This study shows it being effective in rats.
Jafarinia, M., Sadat Hosseini, M., Kasiri, N., Fazel, N., Fathi, F., Ganjalikhani Hakemi, M., & Eskandari, N. (2020). Quercetin with the potential effect on allergic diseases. Allergy, asthma, and clinical immunology : official journal of the Canadian Society of Allergy and Clinical Immunology, 16, 36. https://doi.org/10.1186/s13223-020-00434-0
Shin, H. S., Bae, M. J., Choi, D. W., & Shon, D. H. (2014). Skullcap (Scutellaria baicalensis) extract and its active compound, wogonin, inhibit ovalbumin-induced Th2-mediated response. Molecules (Basel, Switzerland), 19(2), 2536–2545. https://doi.org/10.3390/molecules19022536
This post Listed all of the best supplements for histamine intolerance to relieve your symptoms and feel better sooner.
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