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Joint Pain All Over The Body? (7 Ways to Prevent, Relieve and Heal Joint Pain)

Experiencing joint pain all over the body seems to be an ongoing problem for many.  Some pain is felt in several joints all over the body while others feel isolated pain.  Whichever joint pain you are experiencing, learn below the best things to do for it and how to feel freedom from the pain.
Joint Pain All Over The Body

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Over 20 million people live with joint pain, but not all are diagnosed with a specific joint issue. When pain is effecting the joints, it is difficult to take your mind off of it.  There is a constant reminder every time that specific body part is moved.

Sometimes it is quite apparent that someone is effected by the joint pain.  You can see this by simply watching someone walk on the street or get up from a seated position.  Other times it is not as obvious.  However, the pain can effect not only mobility, but mood and energy as well.

Therefore, it is extremely important to figure out what to do for the pain, but it is also equally important to find the cause behind the joint difficulties.

Of course, our past health problems have made joint stiffness and pain a problem for my husband and I.  Healing our body through the root cause was our goal, but knowing what worked in the meantime to help our joints was a necessary factor.

 what to do for joint pain all over body.

What Leads to Joint pain Problems?

There are many causes for aches and stiffness in the joint areas.  The list below is not necessarily direct causes, instead these are things that can cause joint pain or can lead to causes of joint pain.  

Figure out which things make sense for your body and your experiences.  Informing yourself thoroughly will allow for you to take the necessary steps to feel better.

  • Hard, physical labor

Certain jobs put more strain on the body than others.  Someone who bends over all the time will find themselves putting more strain on certain joints including the back.

  • Incorrect use of a muscles

Improper alignment when working out and overworking a muscles can cause problems with certain joints.

  • Chronic Health Problems

Autoimmune diseases and body illnesses- arthritis, infectious arthritis, (caused virally or by fungus), gout, Lupus, fibromyalgia, Lyme's Disease, Hypo/Hyperthyroidism are examples of these.

  • Deficiencies, Poor Health 

Lack of vitamins and improper uptake impact bone and joint health- this can be due to not taking in enough vitamins, the body not properly utilizing vitamins and minerals, and/or detoxification interference.

  • Overweight or Poor Diet

These two things do not always go hand in hand, however, a poor diet will cause an unhealthy weight level.  Eating foods that worsen inflammation will effect the pain felt in the joints.  Also, excess weight puts stress on the joints making them an area of weakness.

What to do for Joint Pain All Over The Body, naturally

(Disclaimer:  No content on this site should ever be used as a substitute for direct medical advice from your doctor, a qualified clinician or other qualified health care professional.)

#1  Eat Better

joint pain all over the body
  • Reducing your intake of foods that cause inflammatory problems helps tremendously in many cases.
  • Take out or reduce dramatically:
    • sugar
    • caffeine
    • omega-6 content, (you need this but many people get too large amounts of this fat compared to its comega-3 counterpart)
    • monosodium glutamate
    • alcohol
    • saturated fats
    • nightshades
    • In many cases, gluten and dairy
    • vegetable oils
    • processed foods
  • Keep in mind that gluten tends to be more problematic for people in countries where the wheat has been modified or pesticides have been heavily used.  If you use dairy, make sure it is organic or from a farmer with best practices regarding hormones and other chemicals.
  • Not all studies are in agreeance on nightshades.  Some studies show certain nightshades possibly helping inflammation while other scientific articles show nightshades as problematic.  I personally use these cautiously because I find them to trigger problems. Most likely the conflicts are due to a wide range of health problems that vary among individual.  However, this is a personal opinion only from research and experience.
  • Eat More:
    • lean meat- chicken, turkey
    • sardines
    • high antioxidant fruits such as organic blueberries (wild blueberries are even better), blackberries and raspberries
    • pistachios, walnuts
    • collard greens
    • flat leaf kale
    • white rice (but research how to soak it prior to eating to remove arsenic) in place of gluten
    • green tea
    • healthy oils such as olive oil
    • cassava (Otto's) in place of gluten 
    • seeds if you digestion allows
    • organic Apples
    • squash- Butternut squash, Zucchini
    • cauliflower
    • coconut oil
    • broccoli
    • garlic- Allicin, the sulfuric compound in garlic, has anti-inflammatory properties.  Finely dicing releases more allicin, therefore better benefiting the joints.
  • It does not mean that other foods cannot be eaten as well, just concentrate on putting more of these foods in or using them as replacements for problematic, inflammatory foods.  Taking these steps will help to cut down on inflammation and help with joint pain all over the body.

#2  Collagen Peptides for joint pain and stiffness

The small size of collagen peptides make them an easy protein to digest.  This allows for better intake of the collagen, therefore providing joint care.  

The Cleveland Clinic interviewed Beth Czerwony, a dietician, who stated that these peptides help with bone strength, offer protection to ligaments and tendons, and are a preventative measure to joint pain.

There are 3 different types of collagen.  The joints have Type II Collagen in them.

Many studies showing collagen to have positive effects on joint pain for many people but not for everyone. The collagen peptides do not always seem to be impactful, but the studies do not find negative side effects.

Studies vary in showing effectiveness, but this may be connected to many factors including the reason for joint pain, where the joint pain occurs, the damage that has occurred to the joint, as well as the food intake and lifestyle of the subject.

This study confirmed that collagen provided relief of knee pain when collagen was taken for 3 months or greater.  Other small studies have cited trials where people taking collagen had less joint pain than the subjects taking the placebo.

If collagen is something you would like to try, then add it slowly to your regimen in small amounts to begin with.  I know my sister and her husband both have had great benefits from using this.  

This is the specific collagen peptides that I recommend.  This brand also makes a plant-based option.

Here is a Keto collagen option.

#3  Turmeric to help joint pain all over the body

joint pain all over the body

Randy Horwitz, MD, PhD, a professor of medicine at University of Arizona College of Medicine, says that turmeric is able to help with the release of too many cytokines (inflammatory markers) in the body.  

Inflammation is needed to alert the body that there is a concern that needs fixing, but the over releasing of cytokines cause the body to always be on alert and not relax.  Therefore, taking an anti-inflammatory such as turmeric has great benefits for joint care and health.

This article shows curcumin relieving osteoarthritis in the knee of patients that took this supplement.  Curcumin is the primary component of turmeric and exhibits anti-inflammatory properties.  

My husband is able to tell if he misses a day or two of taking Turmeric.  It is a supplement that we swear by.  He has back pain in his spine, and this supplement saves him from the pain.  

You do need to make sure you begin with small dosing though.  Do not directly take what is labeled on the bottle.  See what your body needs and how it responds to a supplement before taking a full dosage.  Consult your doctor if necessary as well.

#4  Omega 3s for Joint pain

This supplement is a favorite of mine because it helps the body in so many ways.

Taking omega 3 fatty acids for several months has shown to significantly decrease joint pain according to studies.

Also, omega 3s and vitamin D work conjunctively to help bones with calcium uptake.

Another positive benefit for taking omega 3s for joint health is because they keep a healthy fluid among joints.  The fluid prevents the bones from rubbing together.  High levels of omega 3s in the fluid have been found to help with joint pain.

However, there have been studies that have not found a significant decrease in pain when taking omega 3 fatty acids.  I am interested to know the lifestyle of the patients in these studies.  For instance, if patients are consuming a large amount of unhealthy foods, supplementation is not going to cure pain on its own most of the time.  The supplementation will benefit an individual who is adjusting their lifestyle to one that will accommodate to less pain.

The potential for omega 3s to help a person with joint pain is there, but it is best to use other practices in conjunction with this supplement.  The omega 3s will play their part in reducing inflammation as long as appropriate steps are taken to reap the benefits.

Omega 3s Supplement

#4   MSM for joints

Methylsulfonylmethane, also known as MSM, and that is how we will refer to it in this post, is a naturally occurring organic chemical found in living things.

MSM is known for strengthening connective tissues, therefore, making the collagen in the ligaments and joints stronger.  It also helps with inflammation providing relief to aching joints.

This organic sulfur compound also helps with the repairing of muscles from prior damage or workouts.  Since MSM is able to help with joint pain, sleep is often better managed by people with joint pain and arthritis.

MSM is sometimes used in combination with glucosamine, chondroitin, and boswellic acid to manage arthritic pain.  Using MSM as a remedy in conjunction with type II Collagen has also shown positive benefits against joint pain and arthritis pain.

These numerous studies here show how well MSM works as a supplement for joint and arthritis pain.

Bone health is also impacted by MSM.  MSM provides the foundation for strong bones.  The supplement has a large, positive impact on our body's health.

View this video out from the Riordan Clinic on MSM for more benefits on this supplement.

Purchase a trusted MSM supplement Here.

#5  Vitamin D and joint pain

People will low vitamin D intake are more at risk for osteoarthritis.  Vitamin D helps with the sustaining of bone mass.  This is because vitamin D helps with uptake of calcium, which is needed for strong bones.

Again, MSM also plays a role in this.  Although calcium is needed for healthy bones, MSM plays a role in laying the foundation for the calcium to do its job with strengthening bones.

All aspects need to be considered rather than just solely focusing on calcium intake for stronger bones.  The body needs appropriate vitamins, minerals and compounds to function together, and vitamin D has been proven to play a vital role in numerous functions in the body.

This article from the Journal of Clinical Rheumatology, among others, shows insufficient amounts of vitamin D correlating with the number of patients diagnosed with some type of arthritic problems.

Great Vitamin D Supplement- This is the vitamin D supplement I prefer!!!

#6  Straighten out body Parts

There are certain body parts that have the potential to be left in a bent position longer than others.  Typing for instance is something that is done by many people on a daily basis.  However, those that type for hours on end are at greater risk to feel pain in the joints of the wrist or elbows at some point in time.

One type of activity that can be carried out for this is by strengthening that joint area.  This may be done by pushing lighter objects in an opposing direction while extending the arm outright.

Being cautious of this in general will be highly beneficial to anyone who deals with this issue.

#7  Exercise

joint pain all over body

By working out muscles, the area of the joint is stabilized and strengthened.  Orthopaedic surgeon, Craig Israelite, MD, says, “Keeping active is actually very good for individuals suffering from joint pain or arthritis. Exercises that work the muscles and tendons provide stability and strength around the joint.”

Types of Exercise for Joint Pain

  • Walking - Use supportive shoes that will help ease any jolting of the joints
  • Swimming
  • Spinning or Cycling
  • Yoga
  • Tai Chai
  • Low impact exercises using appropriate weights

Also, stretching is highly beneficial.  Stretching out the muscle and ligaments around the bone will help with inflammation  properly do its job when working out.  

Creams to Soothe Joint Pain

Here is a list of some creams that help joint pain when applied.  These creams vary, but they include natural, holistic ingredients.  Although these measures are temporary, they provide much needed relief and help take stress off the body from the pain.

 Green Goo 

Woodland Relief Pain

J.A.M.B. Pain Relief

 We covered 7 of the Best things to do for joint pain all over the body.  There are many Natural ways to prevent, heal, and support the body when dealing with pain and inflammation in the joints.  these are proven, effective ways to get natural relief.


  1. https://www.researchgate.net/publication/331006396_Foods_and_Arthritis_An_Overview
  2. https://www.health.harvard.edu/nutrition/can-diet-improve-arthritis-symptoms
  3. https://www.arthritis.org/diseases/infectious-arthritis
  4. https://www.arthritis.org/health-wellness/healthy-living/managing-pain/pain-relief-solutions/tips-to-ease-joint-pain
  5. Zdzieblik, D., Brame, J., Oesser, S., Gollhofer, A., & König, D. (2021). The Influence of Specific Bioactive Collagen Peptides on Knee Joint Discomfort in Young Physically Active Adults: A Randomized Controlled Trial. Nutrients13(2), 523. https://doi.org/10.3390/nu13020523
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  9. Goldberg, R. J., & Katz, J. (2007). A meta-analysis of the analgesic effects of omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acid supplementation for inflammatory joint pain. Pain129(1-2), 210–223. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.pain.2007.01.020
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  12. https://www.pennmedicine.org/updates/blogs/musculoskeletal-and-rheumatology/2018/may/low-impact-exercises-for-joint-pain

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